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Monday, April 08, 2013

#365DaysWithEXO #EXO1stAnniversary

Congratulations for your first anniversary! It's really too bad that my computer broke earlier this week, or I'm posting this up on my blogs properly and maybe in the fanboard (hoping that at least the staffs would read it).

With this post, I really want to say thank you, thank you so much to all twelve of you.
You gave me strength, you inspire me, and you assured me that it's okay to dream big. It's because of you and your hard work that make me proud to say that I want to make songs for my living. It's really your efforts which really make me sure that I will survive living abroad alone, striving my dream. Before, I never dared to say anything bigger than "I like music so..yeah. Maybe pianist." So, thank you. Thank you so much for being the new sun of my life.

And then, there were surely tons of good memories these past 365 days (and more) since I knew you; since the teaser era.
YOU are responsible for lots of my first (lol). You are the very first group I've ever followed since predebut times (I was too young when DB5K debuted in 2003 ㅋㅋ), the first group I love so much that I could bash each and every one of you without any hateful intention. EXO is the first and only group I stalked (well, if lurking around the forum is counted as stalking), the first time I constantly checked on the boards, saving all of your photos, searching for fanmade pictures and macros, looking for all fancams, saving tons of performance and interview videos, etc.. Seriously, EXO alone took around 25 gigabyte in my hard disk - and still counting.
I didn't think twice on sleeping late or waking up early only to watch you perform on TV, I stayed watching and actually tried to understand what you guys are talking about on a TV show (and thanks to you my mandarin improved too), I followed lots of fanbases and fanaccounts only to get to know you more.
And you are the first person-or group- that makes me spend my money like no tomorrow. EXO is the first group I dared to buy an album - two albums to be exact. I bought some unofficial merchandises, and I went to my first concert! Thanks to that, my bank account is constantly on crisis; not that I regretted any of them, though.

For the upcoming years, I really hope that you guys will always be blessed, even more fans who love you dearly, less sasaeng fans and sasaeng taxis. Eat more, you guys really look so skinny (Excluding Krisㅋㅋ). Health is number one, so practice hard but rest much as well. I know that EXO will get even more awards later on, fighting! Best of luck for twelve of you and your manager team!
But seriously, we, your fans, desperately need an official fandom name AND color. Please consider announcing it soon. Comeback is a must, and looks like your definition of 'soon' is questionable. Like, seriously? Well, give us a definite date and we (or I) will look forward to it whenever it would be. Oh, please embark a fanmeeting tour or something like that, I really want to see you on a solo stage!

...well, seems like it's overly long now. I took more than half an hour to type it right, and I don't even re-read it. Hopefully there's no mistake and typo! We are one! EXO, I love you so much it numbed my hardships. Please continue your hard work!