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Sunday, October 12, 2014

the long overdue prologue

Oh well hello there. Long time no see. I haven't opened my blog for such a long time I started to forget what I wrote. And now I intended to revamp it a bit.... only to see something so ridiculously ironic.

My last post is about EXO's first year anniversary. The post is more than one years old- and at that time I never thought about anyone leaving and anything close to this...feud? But I guess whatever happened, it happened for a reason. As for now, I can just thank them for the precious two years, one month, and a week full of twelve wonderful people trying to reach their dreams.

Yes, I personally thought that they were speeding up the idol life by a whole bunch. Everything happened in fast forward, the first wins, first daesangs, first scandal, and now first lawsuit......

As for Kris' situation... I understand that he wanted out. But I personally think that he picked the wrong timing, as their concert was coming the following week. While Luhan's...... omg I can't believe that he collapsed :< i never knew that the situation is that bad, never thought that it's really getting into them. I think i will understand if the chinaline wanted out, I just wish that they remain friends and keep in touch and everything :" Not that it isn't hard or something, but if it's necessary in order to make them all happy and healthy, then whoever wanted out should get out and live up to their dream.

I will support all of them no matter what happened.

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