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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Welcome December!

Yap yap yap.. Today is the first day of December. Which means today I could use another IDR300k.. Yay!

(kembali ke bahasa indonesia yg baik dan benar)
desember identik dgn hari ibu. Natal. Taon baru. Tapi buat gue, desember itu ulangan umum. Rapot. Degdegan. Hahaha (jadi curcol ni)

Udah punya planning buat desember? I do. Planningnya apa? Hi-mi-tsu! Hahaha.. Apapun planningnyaa... Minumnya tehbotol sosro! (garing.haha)

ganbatte, minna-san!

L'anniversaire de December :
2 - Catherine (ke2t tukang gunting korden)
4 - Dewi
7 - Ko Anton
9 - Tasya
18 - Yapto (atin)
22 - Livia
25 - Ko YongSen
26 - Christian (pei2)
27 - Stephanie (pharos)

... Banyak juga ya?

Joyeux anniversaire tout le monde!

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