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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is it cool to have lots of artificial holes (read : piercing) in your body?

Well, I don't think so. I think, as a girl I should have two, at most, in both of my ears with a normal size of hole. That's all. Enough.

I clearly disagree that people piercing their body everywhere, like in their tongue, navel, eyebrows, nose etc. It's just kinda freaky, you know. Not cool at all.

Some people even make those holes extra large, I don't know how and why, and it's freakin' scary!! Oh-my-god (¬_¬")

Maybe they think they're so cool, with those piercing. But I think they're just wasting money and hurting yourself. Even if the hole became tinier and closed, there's still a scar, right? (But I think that extra large hole is permanent. Scary.)

So, what I wanna say is, I HATE RECKLESS PIERCING. Love your body more, dude. Or you'll gonna regret it.

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