
Welcome to my blog! Please note that all posts in this blog are mine, except those which I copied from other pagers (read disclaimer on the bottom of those posts). I don't mind if you post mine in your blog, but please include a disclaimer that those posts are mine. Don't hesitate to ask me anything or just leave some comments to my posts. Comments are really waited!



Monday, January 23, 2017

Happy New Year, Guys

Guess what? It's 2017 now, and I'm almost 22. Almost. Talk about feeling old, huh... I started this blog when I was in Junior High, and it's been 8?9? years since then. There were times when I took this very seriously, posting every now and then, and there were times when I just don't have the time (or the topic) to post regularly. I'm not the type of person who writes diary every day, and I don't share much of myself other than the basic things anyway.

2016 has been cool! Traveled twice, good grades, went home, living on my own and all.. Japan was cool, and I definitely want to go back in the near future. Lots of things happened, both good and bad things but the remaining memories are mostly fun since at last, I achieved so many accomplishment on my own. <3 p="">

Thank you to every one who reads my blog, it's a growing proof of my journey throughout the years and I hope that I am growing at least a little at a time during all these years. I'm not saying that I'll continue posting on this blog regularly, nor I'm closing this blog permanently... It's just going to be here floating on the web undetected, silently judging me lol. I'll update whenever I want to, and for a while now Instagram has been the place where I update very regularly with things from my life (mostly food but duh- food is life). Find me there? @broccoli._.03



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