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Sunday, May 01, 2011


wooohooo! another May!
well.. I have a bad thing and a good thing this month.
the bad thing is, FINAL EXAM! oh noo...
well, the good thing is, after that damn exam, I'm getting closer to my hoooliday! yaay!

anyway, as usual I'll give you my birthday list.
1 :  my elementary school friend Dea (miss you!) and my Francois friend (also Senang Selamanya's) Janice. Also my JHS teacher Bu Rita (wow triple)
2 : my elementary school friend's sister Jeane
7 : my JHS friend Andrian (a.k.a Topo)
8 : my JHS friend Rika (a.k.a Uka) - one of my bestfriend till now and Watsup's Jessi
12 : my piano friend Maxi
14 : my JHS friend Edbert
15 : my church friend Ko Ronny
18 : my elementary school friend Jeremy
20 : Watsup's Mei Mei
22 : my JHS friend Catherine
28 : my JHS friend Olip and my JHS friend's sister Evelyn

wow. that's sure a lot..

(i hate to tell you this)
9 - 18 : FINAL EXAM. urk.
17 : Holiday. Waisak. (yay!)
23 - 27 : Program Dunia Kerja

that's all for this month.
see ya!

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