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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

a (not-so-short) letter from me, an EXO fans

today, I accidentally clicked a link to an anti's post, or more like site. part of me was killed because of the harsh comment about them.

seriously guys, they have just debuted under a big label and lots of successful seniors. so i think it's rational for them to be nervous. people don't just judge them and bash them tell stuffs about them- it's just simply rude. please. they are humans, too. teenagers, to be exact. so i expect them to have some flaw. that's normal. just don't compare them with other groups, rookies or whatnot. they are what they are, accept them. and i love them with their uniqueness.

i don't know what about the other groups, but what's so wrong about releasing stuffs that has never been done? just don't say that their company has an 'eye-candy' or whatever. that's one of the way they promote themselves.

And about their members. i don't think they are whores, sluts, or anything. no one are. they are simply following their company's instruction, and they surely did it well. they are people who tried their best to achieve their dreams, and i'm proud of them. i'm proud to be in this fandom. please, stop calling them names. i know some of us did too, but mostly it's just some harmless pet names, and (i) will always keep them as inside joke.

about this fandom. actually i'm proud to be part of this. but the more i saw fancams of them overseas, i began to feel...sad. i know each and every fandom has their own sasaeng. but to call your bias slut in front of their faces, even though they won't understand... i don't know what to say. i don't think they could call themselves fans. that's just inappropriate. and they didn't help the fact that we, exo fans, were not the most liked fandom. they were making it worse by their irresponsible behavior.

i just hope that people out there start to accept the boys and us, fans, and give all of us a warm welcome. no more, no less. and for those crazed fans... please behave yourself. you're not going anywhere by doing that. i have some proof that they don't like their fans behaved like that. hell, they were almost injured.

so finally, on behalf of those incredulous fans, i humbly apologize to our seniors for behaving like that. i, myself, promise that i won't behave like that. i just hope that they will continue their journey for... i won't say forever, they need a family- a normal life, maybe at least for 10 years from now. and they will certainly proof that they don't deserve what people were saying about them. they're great, will always be, and i know that. i also hope that we will grow into a solid fandom with supportive people.



well, so sorry for the bad capitalization. i just copied it from my twitter, because i would love to have this posted in my blog, and being read by more people.

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