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Thursday, March 10, 2011


Pontianak is the capital city of West Kalimantan province. It is divided into two parts, South and North, and occupies an area of 107,82 km2. It is often called Khun Tien (坤甸) by Chinese people who are living there.

Located in delta of Kapuas river, it also located precisely on the Equator. So it’s geographical location is on 0º 02' 24" LU - 0º 01' 37" LS and 109º 16' 25" BT - 109º 23' 04" BT.

Pontianak has lots of famous places, monuments, and buildings. Some of them are Khatulistiwa Tower (the Equator Tower) which located on 28 Oktober Street, West Kalimantan Museum on A.Yani Street, a Dayak traditional house called “Rumah Panjang” on Sutoyo Street, Melayu traditional house on Sultan Abdurrachman Street, and many more. The biggest shopping mall there is Ayani Mega Mall, which located on A.Yani Street.

Pontianak is also known as a good place for culinary tour. Of course, it has many delicious foods. But most of them are influenced by Chinese traditions, so that the taste is quite similar to Chinese foods. Some of them are Kuecap, Kue kia theng, Bakcang, Kicang, Caikue, Yammi, Tausuan, and many more. There is also a traditional ice cream which is very well known, named Angie. If you are looking for souvenirs, some foods are recommended, like yam sticks, fish crackers, durian paste (or called “dodol”), and some other foods.

There are 543.996 people living in Pontianak. Most of the people there is Chinese, Melayu, or Javanese. They mostly work as merchant, farmer, or fishermen. They farm palm oil, copra, rubber, rice, vegetables, fruits, and other secondary crops.

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