
Welcome to my blog! Please note that all posts in this blog are mine, except those which I copied from other pagers (read disclaimer on the bottom of those posts). I don't mind if you post mine in your blog, but please include a disclaimer that those posts are mine. Don't hesitate to ask me anything or just leave some comments to my posts. Comments are really waited!



Saturday, April 07, 2012

Uh... Yeah.

ini.... coret - coretan gw. malas merotate. kalo ada yang ngerti sih hebat loh hahahahaha
Pertama kalinya gw bener2 berniat transcribe satu lagu. Kokoro-nya marasy. Kenapa? Soalnya itu lagu superenak!!
Errr kalo udah jadi gw upload juga deh :D semoga notnya ga banyak yang salah

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